
What it does and how it does?

January 27, 2024
5 min read

URLs can be long and messy. Tapper allows you to shorten long URLs and come up with your custom slug which will be explanatory and better readable.

Tapper allows you to add one or many redirection rules for each link. You can create rules and attach necessary conditions to them that will redirect users to different URLs (destinations) based on their locations, device types, operating systems (OS), or browsers. Each rule can also have dates when it will be active.

Additionally, each rule can redirect visitors to one or many destinations. Each rule destination must have an appropriate ratio attached to it which will redirect visitors according to the ratio attached to it and the sum of ratios must be exactly 100%. For example, if you add URL A with a ratio of 90% and URL B with a ratio of 10%, users will be redirected to URL A 90% of the time and to URL B - 10% of the time.

By segmenting your audience with Tapper, you can create a personalized experience for your users and improve your overall engagement rates by sending visitors from one location to a particular page, while directing users from another location to a different page. Similarly, you can redirect mobile users to a mobile-optimized version of your site, while desktop users are directed to the standard version.

When you use Tapper, you can see analytics to track clicks on the shortened URL. You can check analytics for each link you create for any period you like. Tapper displays information such as total visit changes, visits per referrer, top cities, top countries, visits per browser, and device types. analytics helps you get to know your audience. The valuable insights it provides can be utilized in marketing campaigns. You can use Tapper to track clicks and sales on affiliate links. Furthermore, it is an excellent tool for influencer marketing. Tapper provides a simple and effective way to track engagement, increase click-through rates, and promote brands.

Tapper is here to help you whenever you need to just shorten a long URL, or handle different audiences differently.

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