Ad Fraud Impact 2024

Global stats that show the effects of click fraud on advertising budget and performance
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Currently protecting

Ad fraud stats across every industry

global ad spending
was lost due to ad fraud in 2023
(Juniper Research)
Organic and direct traffic
includes bots and fake users
of every $3 spent on
marketing is lost to ad fraud.
of digital traffic are bots and
65% of these bots are malicious"
100 Billion
Ad fraud cost is forecast to
grow from $100 billion in 2024 to
$172 billion by 2028
of all global digital account openings
were suspected Digital Fraud

Mobile App Ad Fraud Impact

On paid search campaigns, an average of 14% of all clicks are from non-genuine sources.
Bots are responsible for approximately 24% of all clicks, contributing significantly to click fraud.
Small businesses are especially vulnerable, with click fraud eating up as much as 30% of their advertising budget.
Bot networks are responsible for nearly 40% of click fraud, utilising large collections of devices to generate fake clicks.
Up to 16% of clicks on paid search campaigns are estimated to be fraudulent or invalid.
Click fraud rates in search campaigns can range between 14% to 22%, depending on industry and geographic location.

Did you know?

Did you know the cost of click fraud is forecast to grow from $100billion in 2024 to $172 billion by 2028? Click fraud is a massive problem, and the proof is in the numbers. Don’t take our word for it - try the IVT calculator and see the effects advertising fraud is having on your marketing success.
Try the IVT calculator

Affiliate Fraud Impact

Fraudulent clicks accounted for 17% of 2022's affiliate traffic, and cost companies an estimated $3.4 billion.
Sub-ID manipulation or fraud accounts for approximately 8% to 12% of affiliate fraud incidents.
Mobile affiliate fraud rates can be up to 50% higher compared to desktop due to vulnerabilities in mobile tracking.
An estimated 25% of leads generated through affiliate marketing campaigns can be fake or of poor quality.
Cookie stuffing schemes affect around 5% to 10% of affiliate marketing transactions, artificially attributing sales to affiliates.
Bots contribute to approximately 24% of all affiliate marketing traffic, generating fraudulent clicks and transactions.

Fraudsters won’t wait, so why should you?

You can set up a Tapper account in minutes, so we’ll be protecting your campaigns before you can say ‘sky-high ROI’.
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